Imagine a world where “you will own nothing and be happy about it” (from a World Economic Forum promo video and Klaus Schwab’s book Covid19: The Great Reset)…
Where, instead, everything will be owned by a collective of people. So, in other words, no national identity or pride. Every human will be compelled, or cajoled through sanctions, to deprive themselves of “selfish” pursuits.
Energy and time that isn’t put into the end goal for the ‘common good’ will be punished.
By 2030, a worldwide totalitarian “leadership council,” spearheaded by a man who, oddly, resembles Dr. Strangelove, will make all moral, financial, ethical, employment, health, social decisions for every other human.
What a wet dream for the ever-proliferating slice of society, right now, which loathes self-responsibility and self-reliance.
For the rest of us, who aren’t (yet) mind-numbed robots just floating through our daily lives like a piss in the breeze, terms like this can make our stomach churn:
- Global Technocratic Communism
- National Socialist Party
- Fourth Industrial Revolution
Maybe you’re already aware of the tapestry of lines tied to The Great Reset; conveniently provided by the WEF’s think-tank, Strategic Intelligence.
No worries, if you haven’t seen the interactive chart / image yet. George Gammon will cover it here in a way you can actually swallow the obscurity (and sinister darkness) of it all:
The Great Reset Agenda
Spectator Columnist James Delingpole says the World Economic Forum is seeking to use COVID-19 to reshape the world with its Great Reset in what globalists see as a chance to destroy capitalism and the “old world order”.
He states:
“I started off this pandemic thinking it was just people being a bit stupid and it would all pass, but now I realize this is organized. When you hear the phrase Build Back Better… this is the code phrase for the great reset of our lives. An absolutely evil plan; it is morally repugnant and intellectually devoid.”
After you check out George’s short overview above, I then invite you to watch Kim Iversen debrief us on her research… about how The Great Reset has INFILTRATED cabinets around the world with young leaders like Trudeau:
One particular comment, from the above YT feed, stood out for me:
“The problem is that, while it’s necessary to talk about this and spread the [bad] news, it’s more important to actually come together and do something about it. These people (the ‘ruling class’) can do nothing without the rest of us, no matter how much ‘power’ or money they have.”
All comments on this topic are welcome below…
how do you find the World Economic Forum Covid 19 Transformation map
Bob, I think this is what you’re looking for:
The Biden Admin is evil
[JP Sears writes]:
Who is Klaus Schwab, really? I’ll be trying to bring a more balanced perspective to the answer to that question. Because when it comes to the leader of the WEF, it seems like most of the information that’s out there is pushing a very one-sided view.